Friday, July 15, 2011

25 Miles To Go

The town of Melide did not do much for us, and while we like Arzúa better, there is not a whole lot here either. Our walk today was quite short. We left at 8 and arrived just before noon, and so we have had plenty of time to relax.

After a really nice lunch, we poked around the town and took the prerequisite siesta. This afternoon we have relaxed, and are go to the grocery store shortly to stock up on supplies and buy some things to eat for dinner.

One thing I have noticed now that we are getting closer to Santiago and to our goal is that people, both pilgrims, and the folks we interact with along the way, are less friendly toward pilgrims and much more business-like. I will admit that this makes me quite sad, because one of the things I enjoyed the most about earlier stages of our journey was how friendly and willing to interact our fellow travelers and hosts were.

I think this must be a function of the fCt that in order to receive a certificate for having walked the Camino, only the last 100 kilometers are required. Thus, those of us who walk the whole way have more invested? This is dangerous territory, for I don't think we should judge the motives of others. I've had to remind myself of this constantly as I trudge along with my 30-lb pack, having been walking since 6 am while tire rinks with no pack speed by me talking of how they slept in till 9 and have a bus to pick them up around the next bend. It is a good lesson in humility, and in remembering that we are not called on to judge.

The sun came out today, and we rejoiced. Until it got hot and we had to climb yet another hill in the last 30 minutes of our walk. Maybe clouds and rain were not so bad. It is supposed to be cooler the next two days, with rain tomorrow night. That will see us in to Santiago, and I am thankful that we've on,y had one week of really hot weather.

I have a short connection in JFK on my return flight, and I will have to clear customs, so I am going to try and bring only a carry-on and send my backpack with my folks when they return a couple of weeks later. I have found that I've reached the point of the trip where I am now beginning to get anxious to return home. I am going to try and fight this, and rather make the most of the last two days of walking into Santiago and my trip.

1 comment:

  1. Go Brian!! Enjoy the last leg of your journey! ~PwC Tax Crew
